New Zoning for Ottawa's Neighbourhoods
Walkable Ottawa hopes to play an active role. More information coming soon.
(1) A Great Vision for Walkable Neighbourhoods
Right now, Ottawa is reviewing the draft of our Official Plan and working to make it the best possible tool to remedy housing shortages and housing cost escalation, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to prepare for climate change, to combat social isolation, to mitigate income and other inequalities, to increase tree canopy and access to parks, and to generally improve our city and our daily lives. It's important for us all to give our feedback because the Official Plan will affect all our neighbourhood streets, the places we live, work, and play. But the Official Plan is dense, a challenge to read for many, and the vision it proposes may not be clear. So let us break it down for you in the following series of short videos.
(2) Neighbourhoods in Transition to Walkability
(3) New Homes and Making Our Neighbourhoods Better!
(4) Diversity and Equity in Walkable Neighbourhoods
(5) Neighbourhoods Growing into Complete Communities
(6) Walking to Shops
(7) The Importance of Modeling
Still want to know more? Here are two longer videos with further detailed analysis of the Official Plan. One contains content presented at the People's Official Plan online conference in December. The other dives deeper into the Official Plan's toolkit of regulations to make the vision for walkable neighbourhoods come to life.